REVIEW: Titled ''A 24-hour cash out: freelancers' ultimate manual,''
Titled ''A 24-hour cash out: freelancers' ultimate manual,'' the book provides a complete guide to freelancers who want to develop their passion into a fully-fledged business. Done well, freelancing hold the capacity to take a lot of people from the scourge of unemployment and underemployment. The emotional trauma and depression associated with unemployment and any form of disengagement from productive and profitable ventures can be tortuous, and freelancing best serve to remove and reduce these tendencies. The idea of exchanging one’s skill, reputation and talent for money or any other material resources hold a great potential to reduce the burden and pressure on various governments to provide non-existing jobs for the teeming youth. This book provides prescriptive solutions to some of the challenges that regularly confront freelancers, equipping them with the tools and frameworks on how to develop a compelling business proposal, develop a marketing plan,...